About Muslim Notebook
Dengan Menyebut Nama Alloh Yang Maha
Pengasih Maha Penyayang
Tiada kata yang paling indah untuk
diucapkan, tiada kebahagiaan yang paling indah untuk diungkapkan selain
mengucap syukur kepada Alloh Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala. Karena atas kehendak Alloh
Swt, MuslimNotebook dapat hadir dan bisa dibaca oleh seluruh ummat manusia
diseluruh dunia.
Tiada untaian doa yang paling baik
untuk dipanjatkan, tiada ungkapan kasih sayang sesama mahluk yang paling pantas
untuk dinyatakan selain melantunkan sholawat salam kepada baginda tercinta ,
yakni habiballoh Muhamad Rosululloh Shollallohu ‘Alaihi Wasallam. Karena beliau
yang telah menyampaikan ajaran Agama Islam kepada seluruh ummat akhir zaman,
sebagai rohmat diseluruh alam dengan melewati rintangan perjuangan maupun
pengorbanan tanpa pamrih, sebagai bentuk cinta dan kasih sayangnya kepada kita
semua supaya senantisa bertauhid, bertaqwa dan berprilaku mulia (ber-akhlaqul
karimah) seperti yang telah dicontohkan olehnya. Karena beliaulah pemberi suri
tauladan yang baik (uswatun hasanat).
MuslimNotebook adalah sebuah situs
website menggunakan platform blog dengan deskripsi Ensiklopedia Muslim
Indonesia sebagai sarana untuk untuk membuat kumpulan catatan bertema
islami dan bisa dibukukan dalam bentuk ensiklopedia sebagai bahan pengisi
perpustakaan online. MuslimNotebook berisi catatan atau artikel tentang dunia
islam, pelajaran agama islam maupun kumpulan terjemah kitab kuning yang
dipelajari di pondok pesantren (islamic school) serta ilmu keterampilan
MuslimNotebook dihadirkan bertujuan untuk menyambung mata rantai perjuangan para Nabi, menyambung tali silaturahmi kita semua dalam wahana menghidupkan, melestarikan, memakmurkan serta mengagungkan syi’ar agama Alloh Swt, sebagai wujud ketaqwaan kita terhadap Alloh Swt, yang bertumpu pada Al-Quran dan Sunnah sebagai tuntunan hidup ummat manusia diseluruh jagat raya.
MuslimNotebook diupayakan sedemikian
rupa supaya dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Bisa menjadi sarana untuk saling
mengingatkan dalam kebaikan. Bisa menjadi referensi dalam dunia Pendidikan
Agama Islam. Bisa membina insan mulia dalam mengemban amanah sebagai pemimpin
dimuka bumi ini (kholifatu fil-ard).
Penulis sangat menantikan koreksi, kritik, komentar dan saran dari para pembaca. Semoga kita semua senantiasa berada dalam limpahan rohmat dan ampunan Alloh Subhanahu Wata’ala.
Khoiron Katsiro
By Citing the Name of Allah, Most Merciful Most Merciful
There is no such thing as the most beautiful word to say, no one is the most beautiful happiness to express besides giving thanks to Alloh Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Because of the will of Allah Muslim Notebook can be present and can be read by all human beings around the world.
There is no prayer line that is best to say, no expression of love for one of the fastest creatures to be revealed besides sholawat salam to his beloved brother, habiballoh Muhamad Rosululloh Shollallohu 'Alaihi Wasallam. Because he has conveyed the teachings of Islam to the entire ummah of the last generation, as a virtue throughout the universe through the obstacles of struggle and selfless sacrifice, as a form of love and affection for all of us so that manners, devotion and noble behavior (akhlaqul karimah) as it has been exemplified by it. Because he is a good example provider (uswatun hasanat).
MuslimNotebook is a website using a blogging platform with a description of the Indonesian Muslim Encyclopedia as a means of creating a collection of Islamic-themed notes and can be listed in the form of encyclopaedia as an online library filler. MuslimNotebook contains notes or articles about the Islamic world, Islamic religious lessons and the yellow book translated in Islamic boarding schools as well as other science skills.
MuslimNotebook is aimed at connecting the chain of the Prophet's struggles, connecting our relationship with all of us in reviving, preserving, prospering and glorifying the religion of Alloh Swt, as our taqwa of Alloh Swt which focuses on the Qur'an and Sunnah as the guidance of life human beings throughout the universe.
MuslimNotebook is strived in such a way that it can benefit all of us. Can be a means to remind each other in goodness. Can be a reference in the world of Islamic Religious Education. Can build a noble person in carrying out the mandate as the leader of this earth (kholifatu fil-ard).
The author is looking forward to the corrections, criticisms, comments and suggestions from readers. May we all be always in the abundance of the blessing and forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
Jazakumulloh Khoiron Katsiro
There is no such thing as the most beautiful word to say, no one is the most beautiful happiness to express besides giving thanks to Alloh Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Because of the will of Allah Muslim Notebook can be present and can be read by all human beings around the world.
There is no prayer line that is best to say, no expression of love for one of the fastest creatures to be revealed besides sholawat salam to his beloved brother, habiballoh Muhamad Rosululloh Shollallohu 'Alaihi Wasallam. Because he has conveyed the teachings of Islam to the entire ummah of the last generation, as a virtue throughout the universe through the obstacles of struggle and selfless sacrifice, as a form of love and affection for all of us so that manners, devotion and noble behavior (akhlaqul karimah) as it has been exemplified by it. Because he is a good example provider (uswatun hasanat).
MuslimNotebook is a website using a blogging platform with a description of the Indonesian Muslim Encyclopedia as a means of creating a collection of Islamic-themed notes and can be listed in the form of encyclopaedia as an online library filler. MuslimNotebook contains notes or articles about the Islamic world, Islamic religious lessons and the yellow book translated in Islamic boarding schools as well as other science skills.
MuslimNotebook is aimed at connecting the chain of the Prophet's struggles, connecting our relationship with all of us in reviving, preserving, prospering and glorifying the religion of Alloh Swt, as our taqwa of Alloh Swt which focuses on the Qur'an and Sunnah as the guidance of life human beings throughout the universe.
MuslimNotebook is strived in such a way that it can benefit all of us. Can be a means to remind each other in goodness. Can be a reference in the world of Islamic Religious Education. Can build a noble person in carrying out the mandate as the leader of this earth (kholifatu fil-ard).
The author is looking forward to the corrections, criticisms, comments and suggestions from readers. May we all be always in the abundance of the blessing and forgiveness of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
Jazakumulloh Khoiron Katsiro
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