Pendahuluan - Islamic Legacy
Michael H. Hart dalam bukunya, The 100 a Ranking of The Most
Persons in History, menilai Muhammad sebagai tokoh paling berpengaruh
sepanjang sejarah manusia, Menurut Hart, Muhammad adalah satu-satunya orang
yang berhasil meraih keberhasilan luar biasa, baik dalam hal spiritual maupun
hal kemasyarakatan . Hart mencatat bahwa Muhammad mampu mengelola bangsa yang
awalnya egoistis, barbar, terbelakang dan terpecah belah oleh sentimen kesukuan
menjadi bangsa yang maju dalam bidang ekonomi, kebudayaan dan kemiliteran,
bahkan sanggup mengalahkan pasukan Romawi yang saat itu merupakan kekuatan
militer terdepan didunia didalam pertempuran.
Sebagian ilmuwan ada yang menganggap bahwa nabi muhammad tidak
pernah ada. Menurut mereka, agama islam muncul setelah beberapa abad yang
artinya bahwa Islam dan Nabi Muhammad hanyalah karangan atau fiksi dari
pihak-pihak tertentu saja. Hingga pada akhirnya, ilmuwan lain yang berupaya
membuktikan kebenaran islam menemukan hal yang sebaliknya. Para ilmuwan
tersebut mengkaji dan meneliti teks-teks papirus berbahasa Arab, Petra
Sijpesteijin yang mereka dapat dari Universitas Leiden
Walaupun catatan sejarah Islam tersebut mengarah pada versi terbaru
yang mungkin lebih akurat, penelitian berlanjut pada bukti-bukti fisik yang
pada dasarnya sangat sulit untuk diakses. Bukti fisik dan catatan-catatan asli
memungkinkan peneliti untuk mengungkapkan lebih banyak hal yang orang-orang
tidak ketahui sebelumnya. Bukti fisik ini memungkinkan juga untuk menjadi acuan
yang lebih objektif, seperti koin, inskripsi dan teks-teks papirus.
seorang muslim, tentunya kita tidak meragukan lagi hadirnya sosok manusia
pilihan yang luar biasa, Muhammad Saw. yang diutus Alloh Swt.
sebagai rahmatan lil ‘alamin. Bukti-bukti keagungan beliau tertuang
dalam Al-Quran dan hadits, dalam sirah yang didalamnya terdapat perkataan para
sahabat ataupun dalam karya tulis tokoh-tokoh non-Islam yang mengaguminya.
“Dan Seseunnguhnya
kamu berbudi pekerti yang agung.”
(QS. Al-Qolam,
68: 4)
Alloh dan Malaikat-malaikat-Nya bersholawat untuk Nabi. Hai orang-orang yang
beriman, bersholawatlah kamu untuk Nabi dan ucapkanlah salam penghormatan
(QS. Al-Ahzab,
33: 56)
Mempelajari sirah nabi dan menggali lebih jauh
beberapa peninggalan Rosululloh Saw. dan para sahabat diharapkan akan
semakin menumbuhkan rasa cinta kepada Rosululloh sebagai sebaik-baik teladan
kita. Selain itu, mengetahui peradaban Islam melalui kota-kota peradaban akan
meningkatkan rasa syukur kita sebagai ummat Islam yang memiliki izzah
yang tinggi dan tasyakkur bi’nikmat akan kemaha besaran Alloh Swt.
Some scientists there who think that the prophet Muhammad never existed. According to them, the religion of Islam emerged after several centuries which means that Islam and Prophet Muhammad are just articles or fictions from certain parties only. Until finally, other scientists who try to prove the truth of Islam find the opposite. The scientists studied and examined the Arabic papyri texts, Petra Sijpesteijin they obtained from the University of LeidenAlthough the Islamic historical record leads to an updated version that may be more accurate, research continues on the physical evidence that is essentially very difficult to access. Physical evidence and original records allow researchers to reveal more things people do not know before. This physical evidence also allows for a more objective reference, such as coins, inscriptions and papyrus texts.As a Muslim, surely we do not doubt the presence of a human figure of extraordinary choice, Muhammad Saw. who was sent by Allah Swt. as rahmatan lil 'alamin. Evidence of his majesty is contained in the Qur'an and hadith, in sirah in which there is the word of the Companions or in the paper the non-Islamic figures who admire it.
Studying the prophet's head and exploring further some of the Prophet's relics. and the companions are expected to increase the love of the Apostle as the best of our example. In addition, knowing Islamic civilization through the cities of civilization will enhance our gratitude as the Muslim ummah who have high izzah and tasyakkur bi'nikmat going to the size of Alloh Swt.
Introduction - Islamic Legacy
Michael H. Hart in his book, The 100 a Ranking of the Most Persons in History, saw Muhammad as the most influential figure in human history. According to Hart, Muhammad was the only person who achieved remarkable success, both in spiritual terms and things society. Hart noted that Muhammad was able to manage a nation that was initially selfish, barbaric, backward and divided by tribal sentiment into a nation that advanced in economics, culture and military, even able to defeat the Roman army which at that time was the world's foremost military force in combat.Some scientists there who think that the prophet Muhammad never existed. According to them, the religion of Islam emerged after several centuries which means that Islam and Prophet Muhammad are just articles or fictions from certain parties only. Until finally, other scientists who try to prove the truth of Islam find the opposite. The scientists studied and examined the Arabic papyri texts, Petra Sijpesteijin they obtained from the University of LeidenAlthough the Islamic historical record leads to an updated version that may be more accurate, research continues on the physical evidence that is essentially very difficult to access. Physical evidence and original records allow researchers to reveal more things people do not know before. This physical evidence also allows for a more objective reference, such as coins, inscriptions and papyrus texts.As a Muslim, surely we do not doubt the presence of a human figure of extraordinary choice, Muhammad Saw. who was sent by Allah Swt. as rahmatan lil 'alamin. Evidence of his majesty is contained in the Qur'an and hadith, in sirah in which there is the word of the Companions or in the paper the non-Islamic figures who admire it.
"And to the other you have a great character."
(QS Al-Qolam, 68: 4)
"The presence of Allah and His angels respects the Prophet. O you who believe, salute the Prophet and salute him. "
(QS Al-Ahzab, 33: 56)
(QS Al-Qolam, 68: 4)
"The presence of Allah and His angels respects the Prophet. O you who believe, salute the Prophet and salute him. "
(QS Al-Ahzab, 33: 56)
Studying the prophet's head and exploring further some of the Prophet's relics. and the companions are expected to increase the love of the Apostle as the best of our example. In addition, knowing Islamic civilization through the cities of civilization will enhance our gratitude as the Muslim ummah who have high izzah and tasyakkur bi'nikmat going to the size of Alloh Swt.
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